Somatic Therapy

8 Ways to Embrace Being a Highly Sensitive Person

8 Ways to Embrace Being a Highly Sensitive Person

As a highly sensitive person (HSP) chances are you are tired of having to explain yourself to others and advocate for the needs you have that others do not understand. You may be thinking that something is wrong with you and wish that you weren’t so sensitive. It’s easy to imagine that being more “like everyone else” would be a lot better. Please don’t waste any more of your time and energy wishing for the impossible. HSP is a trait people are born with, not a disorder; a gift, not a curse. Below are some things you can do to better manage and enjoy your life as a highly sensitive person.

What is Preverbal Trauma and How is it Treated With Somatic Therapy?

What is Preverbal Trauma and How is it Treated With Somatic Therapy?

Somatic therapy affirms that your traumatic preverbal memories are real and deserving of attention. These memories simply exist as a “felt sense” not a play-by-play representation of the traumatic events. That being said, treatment must connect with that sense. Serving Boulder, Longmont, Denver...

Somatic Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief: 3 Ways to Get Back in Your Body

Somatic Therapy for Chronic Pain Relief: 3 Ways to Get Back in Your Body

Somatic therapy for chronic pain proves there’s more than one way to heal. That concept is at the heart of somatic therapy. And when it comes to healing from chronic pain, the relief this kind of therapy brings is keenly unique and transformational. You and your therapist will get you back into your body by facing the fear or resistance to movement that is limiting your life.

What EXACTLY Is Somatic Psychotherapy? What to Expect.

What EXACTLY Is Somatic Psychotherapy? What to Expect.

Somatic Psychotherapy was developed through various contributions, such as Gestalt Therapy, Dreambody Work, Authentic Movement and others. It remains one of the central teaching modalities of the Somatic Psychology Department at Naropa University. This method attempts to bring awareness to feelings, movements, sensations, etc., as an attempt to restore expressive movement.

How to Find a Somatic Therapist & What to Expect?

How to Find a Somatic Therapist & What to Expect?

How to Find a Somatic Therapist? As you begin your search, do realize that somatic therapy often does not stand alone. There are many capable therapists who integrate somatic therapy into various therapy and counseling practices. That’s okay! Just understand which questions to ask and credentials to look for. Serving Boulder, Longmont, Denver...