8 Ways to Embrace Being a Highly Sensitive Person

By Neisha Remaily MA, LPCC

Finding Solace When the World Feels Harsh

As a highly sensitive person (HSP) chances are you are tired of having to explain yourself to others and advocate for the needs you have that others do not understand. You may be thinking that something is wrong with you and wish that you weren’t so sensitive. It’s easy to imagine that being more “like everyone else” would be a lot better. Please don’t waste any more of your time and energy wishing for the impossible. HSP is a trait people are born with, not a disorder; a gift, not a curse. Below are some things you can do to better manage and enjoy your life as a highly sensitive person.

8 Tips for Your Peace of Mind

1. Don’t apologize for who you are

We make life a lot harder when we don’t accept the way we naturally are. There is no need to be apologetic about being a highly sensitive person. Differences are one of the things that makes our world a more beautiful place to be. While we cannot always expect others to understand us or know just what we need, we make life much better for ourselves by understanding and accepting ourselves as we are.

2. Appreciate your differences

Pay attention to the special value that being an HSP brings to your life and to others. Write down some of the qualities you have that set you apart that you are grateful for.

3. Communicate your needs and set boundaries

Protect your need for peace & quiet, rest & relaxation, beauty & creativity, plenty of sleep & nourishing meals. Not everyone who cares about you knows how to care for you. Help them support you by communicating with them about your needs.

4. Create time and space for yourself

Get curious about how much space and alone time you need to feel alive, connected, reset and ready for the world. Spend time in nature, and in peaceful, beautiful, and inspiring places. Do hobbies and activities that make you feel good inside.

5. Watch out for the tendency to overextend yourself

HSPs often over-give and over-commit. They can empathize with the needs of others and really want to help. Trust that putting yourself first allows you to be more present and supportive of others.

6. Protect your sleep

HSPs usually need more sleep than others. Prepare to dim the lights and decrease stimulation 30 minutes before bedtime. Leave 30 minutes of time after waking up to slowly and gently enter your day.

7. Know your triggers

Pay attention to the situations that typically overwhelm you. Get curious about which factors are the most challenging. Give yourself permission to avoid any unnecessary overwhelming situations.

8. Take breaks

When potentially overwhelming situations are necessary, like work, school, or family environments, practice taking frequent small breaks. Give yourself permission to wander away, going outside, or to another room for a few minutes to reset.

Gaining Perspective and Getting Support

Did you know that Nearly 20% of our population is highly sensitive? This means that you are not actually alone, though it may feel like it sometimes. Additionally, having the HSP trait comes with some undeniably stellar gifts that bring meaningful contributions to society. With the capacity to be highly attuned to the environment and other people; to notice subtle nuances, and changes in the environment; having a high level of motivation to help others; and being endowed with more compassion and empathy than most,

HSP’s tend to be great friends, partners, parents, employees, etc. Researchers have gone so far as to say that there may even be evolutionary advantages to the unique skills of HSPs. Perhaps it’s time to own your superpowers and give yourself the extra special care you deserve!

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