4 Ways to Proactively Fight Anxiety Around the Reversal of Roe v. Wade

By April Lyons MA, LPC

The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade did not come without consequences. For nearly 50 years, women have been protected by Roe v. Wade because it was a constitutional right for women to choose what to do with their bodies. That right was stripped with the Dobbs decision in 2022 by a conservative supreme court.

If you are a woman, it’s probably impossible to pin down what emotions you are feeling. You might be feeling sad, angry, or frustrated. You likely feel fearful for yourself, your friends, your children, and future generations. This decision may have even triggered some trauma responses or mental health issues.

Here are some ways to fight back against that anxiety, even if you feel powerless at the moment.

1. Turn Off Notifications

If you are glued to social media, this could be an exhausting time. It is ok to turn off those notifications and take a break from the information overload. The desire to remain informed is not bad, but sometimes we need to give ourselves time to process independently.

Anxiety causes our minds to be fixated on the what-ifs and stuck in a cycle of fear about the future. When anxiety is high, adding hyperbole and reactionary posts on social media will only fan the flame. In fact, it might be worth avoiding all news for a bit if you find it overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be forever, just long enough to give the anxiety time to dissipate.

2. Set Healthy Boundaries

In this time, more than ever, it is important to be surrounded by your people. The last thing you want to do is enter a period of isolation. Find your friends and family who are also struggling after the Dobbs decision. Grieving together is a powerful way to process difficult feelings, move through them, and come out on the other side.

Additionally, you might have to set boundaries with family and friends who celebrated the end of Roe. If you aren’t prepared to debate the finer points of the decision, let them know you won’t be engaging if they bring it up. If someone sees this as an opportunity to berate you, let them know you need space until you are mentally prepared to be around them. Choose your comfort level in discussing the subject matter; don’t be afraid to table it if it gets too much.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Check in with yourself mentally and give yourself time for some self-care. Meditation is a great outlet to alleviate some anxiety. While it does take some practice to fine-tune, it can be a significant help. Explore journaling, especially in times of stress. Use pen and paper to jot down your thoughts or ideas that are causing you anxious feelings.

Take care of yourself by spending time outdoors, exercising, reading a good book, or seeing a movie. Activities that feed the soul can help clear away the clouds.

4. Take Action In Safe Ways

When something significant happens in the world, maybe joining in on the “fight” will help soothe some of the anxiety you are experiencing. So long as it is healthy and safe.

There are plenty of ways to take action that can give you a sense of making a difference while actually doing so. Research who your legislators are and take some time to write them letters voicing your opinions. Join a group of like-minded individuals to discuss feelings and complete outreach. Maybe it is a peaceful protest. Making your voice heard can help you feel empowered and offer anxiety relief.

If you are still feeling overwhelmed, contact us for a free consultation, Therapy can help you process your anxiety and feelings, and help you move towards health and peace.

Learn more about anxiety therapy in Colorado. Serving Boulder, Longmont, Denver.